7th Annual Balling for Lupus Luvs Charity Basketball Game

Dear Balling For Lupus Supporters,
The health and safety of our coaches, players, volunteers, attendees, and partners are our highest priority.
After careful consideration, and in light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, we are postponing Balling For Lupus with the hope to reschedule during late summer. Rescheduling the event will enable us to provide the experience that our coaches, players, volunteers, attendees, and partners expect and deserve in a safe environment.
We remain excited to host you later this year and will get back to you with more information on specific dates in the coming weeks. Your registration will automatically be applied to the rescheduled event.
The latest information will always be available at ballingforlupusluvs.com.
Please take a moment to let us know if you have any questions regarding your registration. Your voice matters and we care about your feedback.
We look forward to hosting you in the summer. Until then, stay safe and healthy!
Fred & Bo Talley-Williams, Founders/President
Cameron Hill, Director of Marketing & Public Relations